"Rumors" List

Almost from the very beginning friends, acquaintances and possibly even relatives of Michelle and Jason began posting on CTV. Many "insiders" provided information in an attempt to portray events more accurately than the media. At times some information was confirmed or substantiated by others. At other times it did little more than fuel the fire for many people that Jason looks and acts guilty. Remember this list is not based on reported information. These are all RUMORS. These are things reported by people who say they know the Young's or know someone that knows the Young's. Please use your own judgement in determining what may or may not be true. This is an evolving list and will update with new info as I can.

  • On Nov 2, 2006 Jason had dinner with Michelle and her friend and left for his trip around 8pm.
  • Jason printed out the Coach Purse document before he left on Thursday. When Michelle and her friend came upstairs he turned the document over and forgot about it.
  • He called Michelle around 9pm to talk about going to his mom's to pick up antique furniture. She told him to call back, as she was watching Grey's Anatomy.
  • Jason called and talked to his Mom about spending the night in Brevard on Friday.
  • He called Michelle around 10:30-11pm when he made it to the Hillsville, VA Hotel and told her he was too tired to go any further. Apparently they also discussed his trip to Brevard.
  • Jason checked into the Hillsville Hilton Hotel on Nov 2, 2003.
  • On Nov. 3 Jason called Meredith at 7:30am and left a voicemail to pick up the "document."
  • Michelle had a doctor's appointment at 9:30am Nov 3.
  • Michelle was also suppose to work that Friday. {There are conflicts for this rumor, but there were more people saying she was suppose to work including Meredith}
  • Jason had a meeting in VA at 10am on Nov 3.
  • Jason arrived in Brevard on Nov 3 around 3:30pm and was told about Michelle's death.
  • Jason checked voicemail messages frequently on Friday prior to finding out about Michelle.
  • Jason and his family left Brevard around 4:30pm and arrived in Raleigh at 9-9:30pm.
  • The police showed up at Meredith's soon after Jason and his family arrived. They immediately halted anything being removed from Jason's Explorer. They were told they had a search warrant.
  • Jason's family was taken to the police station and questioned until 5am.
  • Jason's friends helped him find a lawyer when he arrived in Raleigh.
  • Friends advised Jason to get an attorney when they realized questions from police were focusing on Jason.
  • On Friday, Nov 3. Jason and Michelle were expecting house guests to spend the night for the Homecoming game and tailgating parties on Sat. Nov 4.
  • The couple were on their way to Raleigh when they received the news of Michelle's murder.
  • It is unclear if the couple knew Jason was going to Brevard on Friday.
  • They decided to continue on to Raleigh and stay with other friends.
  • Meredith was not at work when Jason called.
  • Meredith was working at a restaurant at the time of Michelle's murder.
  • Meredith picked up the document during a break at work.
  • On Meredith's myspace page she was reported as saying she graduated from SUNY College in NY. She was a Psychology Major. It was also reported on the board that she was a Teacher. {Not sure why the discrepancy}
  • Jewelry drawers and the jewelry they contained are believed to have been stolen from the house.
  • There were no bloody prints all over the house as described by Meredith.
  • Bloody prints were seen in the upstairs hall bath and the master bath. No bloody prints were seen down the hall to the bathroom.
  • The section of the carpet where Michelle was found was removed.
  • Sections of the wall next to where Michelle was found were removed.
  • It appears that someone took a shower in the master bath.
  • Bloody sheets and a bloody pillow were not removed by police.
  • Bloody socks appearing to belong to Cassidy were left in the hall bath.
  • Linda Fisher accused Jason of killing Michelle at the funeral.
  • There were two seperate parlors set up for the Young's and the Fisher's for Michelle's Funeral.
  • Meredith invited Jason and Cassie to live with her after the murders.
  • Meredith was Cassie's nanny when Michelle and Jason lived in the Condo.
  • The life insurance policies and the will were done about a year before Michelle's murder.
  • One of Jason's sisters was named guardian of Cassidy.
  • Meredith was upset that she was not named guardian of Cassidy.
  • Jason has been described as fun loving, kind hearted, flirtatious, a jokester, caring, and a great father.
  • Jason made inappropriate sexual comments to co-workers.
  • Jason flirted with women on business trips.
  • Jason like to drink and have a good time.
  • At an engagement party for a friend it is reported that Jason took the bride to be's ring and swallowed it as a joke and gave it back to her... uh much later.
  • Another friend claims as a Fact that Jason did not swallow the ring, but only pretended to. Everyone had a good laugh and that was the end of it.
  • Michelle had a miscarriage in or around June 2006. Jason and Michelle took a trip to the beach soon after.
  • Sometime in July 2006 Jason took a trip to CA. It was a trip that included his mom, his sister and her husband.
  • Some friends say Michelle was upset because Jason paid for his family to go on the trip.
  • Another friend reported Michelle was upset because she didn't have any vacation days left to go on the trip. Michelle had taken a trip to NY to visit relatives for two weeks.
  • Jason took a trip to Denver that included Michelle Money. [It is not clear who else was on this trip.]
  • Jason went to Florida to "see" Michelle Money.
  • Michelle and Jason, and Michelle and Steve Money were all just very good friends.
  • Michelle Money confirmed the "affair" to friends on a spa weekend trip.
  • Friends knew Jason was unfaithful.
  • Jason was annoyed with Michelle because she called him when he was away on a business trip to complain about noises she heard outside.
  • Michelle and Jason called police on at least one occassion to report a disturbance outside their home.
  • The garage door opener was broken.
  • The alarm system was not activated.
  • The heat system for the uptairs area was not working at the time of Michelle's murder.
  • Although the car accident is a fact. Many believe it was an attempt to kill Michelle.
  • There was a "boating accident" in the summer of 2006 when Michelle fell over board and Jason did little to help her out of the water.
  • Michelle and Jason attended an out of town wedding on Oct 14, 2006. There was a fight that resulted in either Jason locking Michelle out of the hotel room or Michelle locking Jason out.