There is probable cause to believe that an offense punishable as a felony or Class A1 or Class 1 misdemeanor has been committed and reasonable grounds to suspect that the person named above (Jason Young) commited the offense. The results of the requested nontestimonial identification procedures will be of material aid in determining whether this person committed the offense.

Requested Nontestimonial Identification Procedures: Fingerprints, foot impressions, (photograph and measurement of foot), Photographs of body (injuries to body), blood, hair, pubic hair, saliva/cheek swabbing and trace evidence.

Facts Supporting Reason: Crime scene indicates possible struggle between victim and perpetrator, which could have resulted in injuries to the perpetrator, which injuries, or evidence thereof, may heal, or become undetectable with the passage of time.

Facts which establish reasonable grounds: There was a homicide at 5108 Birchleaf Dr occurring on 11/3/06. This person is the husband of the deceased. The crime scene shows no sign of forced entry. This person and the deceased were experiencing financial difficulties. The deceased was covered by a substantial life ins. policy with this person as the beneficiary. The deceased was pregnant and was making plans to cut back on her employment following maternity leave. This person, husband of deceased, has refused to cooperate with law enforcement.

Reasons Why procedures will be of material aid: Latent prints, footprints, skin cell evidence and other DNA evidence was obtained from the crime scene as well as other areas searched including autopsy. This person's fingerprints, DNA sample, photographs, body measurements are needed immediately for comparison purposes.

Link to Search Warrants
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