Certain Places at Certain Times
Jason's timeline is of great importance in whether or not he was able to commit this horrible crime. There has been MUCH speculation about what time he left, where he stayed, why he went to Brevard, etc. NOTHING has been established as fact from authorities on Jason's timeline. Authorities have only said Jason was "at certain places at certain times." "Insider's" reveal some information. I have also included posts made by board members who were able to verify information on their own. Information that can also be verified by others.
Posted by Concerned Citize: I am not 100% positive about this so just take it for what its worth....I believe his meeting was actually in another state not in Brevard where his parents live. I also believe he left sooner than most are assuming. For clarification, I am not saying that he drove straight to his appt but rather that he may have stayed in a hotel near his appt. Obviously if this is the case it would not be hard to confirm his time of arrival. I believe he had his meeting early in the morning and then drove to his parents house sometime in the early afternoon and was planning to spend some time with them before heading back home to Raleigh. When he arrived at their house he was greeted in the yard by his step-father who gave him the news. I believe it was the step father that strongly encouraged Jason to get an attorney. He probably even called the attorney etc. Iam sure Jason was overcome with grief at this point.All of this is just info I have gathered as I have spoken with others. This is not direct information.
Posted by Concerned Citize but written by another friend: Jason left home Thur. Pm to go to Va. I do not know the exact time he left but know it was in the evening. He had a meeting there Fri. AM. He checked into a hotel there and called Michelle at around 11 PM that night when he had arrived. He spoke to her and all was fine. He had his meeting Fri. Am and then as had been previously planned, drove to western NC to his mom's house where he'd planned to have a short visit and spend the night before returning to Raleigh the next day. People are very confused over the sequence there because the press has published so many different things. He went to VA, spent the night, had a meeting in the AM, then as planned drove to Brevard. It was while he was enroute to Brevard that his mother received the phone call about Michelle's death. Jason was told when he arrived at her home. The family elected not to give someone that kind of news while they were driving and alone.
Posted by forpsystudent: True. But someone here, I want to say Dominique or Debums called the Duffield Get It market and spoke with a woman who confirmed LE had been there checking on whether or not JY had been there, which the woman the OP confirmed. JMO
Responded to by AJandTam: Thanks FPS, Yes, that was Dom, I did read that info...Now why none of these people have spoken publically, is the real puzzler, usually the media finds someone, but not this time.... (Dominique called the GIM and confirmed that LE had been there or called - the original went poof as far as I can tell - this is the best I could do.)
Posted by Raleigh Resident: Reliable inside sources state the JY left Raleigh around 4:00...for the sake of this HYPOTHESIS...assume it is so...(NOT A FACT...JUST WHAT I WAS TOLD).
Posted by RPD: HAMPTON INN location 11-2 CONFIRMED today. Hampton Inn - Hillsville Va. I received 100% confirmation from Hamton Inn JY checked in this hotel 11-2-06. (RPD called customer service and they confirmed a Jason Young stayed in Hillsville, VA 11/2/06)
Posted by gojo: I’ve noticed a great deal of interest in the time Jason left Brevard. I doubt it is a secret from LE. He left Brevard about 4:30 p.m. and arrived in Raleigh about 9:00--9:30 p.m. His brother-in-law was driving. There was only one vehicle...
Posted by gojo: ...I am not pointing the finger AT anyone but rather AWAY from JY. If Jason killed his wife, he had to leave early from Raleigh to make his 10 a.m. meeting in Virginia (I think it’s obvious he was at the meeting). If Cassie awoke about 8-9 a.m. (her usual time), then she was free in the house 4-5 hours at least...
Posted by ConcernedCitize: I am posting this quote because many posters remembered CC posting the meeting at 9am as fact when she was only speculating on the time. I only snipped out the relevant section. ...So if the above is true then he would have stayed in the hotel in Blacksburg or Roanoke overnight and gone to his appt the next morning at say 9am (hour long meeting) and then drove to Brevard, NC which is 4 1/2 hours putting him there at 2:30pm -3pm. Meredith called 911 at 1:30. They probably notified Jason's parents 30 min to 1 1/2 hours later. This would be right before he arrived... This is not based on information given to me but instead me just piecing things together. Just a thought.
Posted by gojo:…He actually left his house [on Thurs] later, more like 8 p.m. or so. This is from second hand information. When he called Michelle around 11 p.m., he told her he was too tired to go any further. Again, second hand information, JMO and all that jazz.
Reponse by gojo: About that dinner....Since I can only partially confirm this, let me put it in as a question, not a statement.What if at dinner that night [Thurs], not only was Jason present, but also the GA friend? Would that make you feel any friendlier to Jason, if it turns out to be true?
Posted by gojo: Originally posted by hawthorn60: I don't think the meeting was near Duffield. Response by gojo: Correction: I think it was. Not even second hand information here, but I believe it was. IMO.
Posted by gojo: ... The trip to Brevard WAS planned, sort of. On his way to his motel, Jason told his mother by phone that since he was so close, he would spend Friday night at her house. This was somewhere after 9 p.m. He added: IF this is agreeable with Michelle. Evidently he had not discussed this with her beforehand. I understand he tried to call her BEFORE he called his mother, but Michelle told him to call back because she and her friend were watching Grey's Anatomy. One of my favorites, too, so I can understand that.
He planned to pick up some furniture. He wouldn't have room for it on their Thanksgiving visit because he would have Cassie and Michelle with him. Those of you with kids KNOW that even with one kid, the car is full, unless you have a semi.
Sometime around 11 p.m., Jason called back to Michelle and got PERMISSION for the trip to Brevard, EVEN THOUGH OUT OF TOWN GUESTS WERE COMING IN. He planned to be back by noon or so on Saturday. I guess you had to have been there to understand that stuff about the guests. I don't pretend to know.
Jason's mother was grilled--no, that's not right--was questioned probably very politely since no one is impolite to a mother from late Friday night until 5 a.m. or so Saturday morning. I'm not telling you anything the cops don't know... OK, a couple more things. If JTF said it, it's true. Go back and look. If Gojo said it, it's true. Well, maybe some stuff I said was secondhand was actually first hand, because I had visited the house and saw the crime scene. But I was still trying to cover my identity then.
Posted by sosad: New to the boards....but have been reading for months. JY and MY were definitely expecting houseguests on Friday. A married couple connected through JY and NCState....
They were already on the way to visit when a mutual friend called them on their cell phone and told them MY had been murdered. They were very very upset but decided to continue the trip. I am not connected directly to JY or MY. I am a friend of their friends. I actually have met JY but not MY. It is my understanding that the homecoming game was in the plans, but I really don't know how far in advance the trip was planned or even who called them to invite them (JY or MY?).
... I really don't want to say where they were travelling from other than within the state of North Carolina. They are keeping VERY tight lipped about this and out of respect for them, I don't want to give any more personal information. I must admit....we have wondered if JY knew they were coming and DID call MF so that the couple would not have to find MY's body.
OK This is all supposition based on things they said right after the murder happened. They definitely went on to Raleigh, but I think to the friend's house who called them. I don't think LE CALLED them, but all of JY's close friends were interviewed and fingerprinted. (Maybe after the funeral; I'm not sure of the timeline) I don't know if they talked to JY on the phone before seeing him in Raleigh....sorry. I do know that their contact with JY has been very limited (if at all other than the funeral) since the murder, and I am under the impression that this is what his attorney told him to do.
... The topic is completely taboo with my friends who are close to JY and MY. I tried digging some info out early on and they wouldn't talk other than to say what an ugly mess this was, how it would be long and drawn out, etc....
Posted by sosad: RPD, I too heard about this 11 PM call that Jason supposedly made to MY. I think he told several people at the funeral.
Posted by sosad: I do not know the exact arrival time. Based on what I've been told, I ASSUME the husband took off work a little early that Friday. The wife does not work. They live NEAR Charlotte (but don't pin me down to more than that). How long does it take to get to Raleigh from around Charlotte? My guess is they were trying to beat 5:00 traffic. Somewhere along the way they received the bad news, tried to digest it and decided to go on to Raleigh anyway. I got a call from a concerned friend about the whole ordeal, and I can't swear to it but think it was late Friday afternoon. My memory about detail is not good!!!
Posted by outsidethebox: ...No Gojo, it does not make sense.....the reason is that the Call came in the morning at around 7:30am from what I understand....Jason knew his MY was at home because she had a Dr. Appt at 9:30am so why call MF to go by ASAP to pick up this printout? If he knew his wife was home....MF would have to explain why she was there, etc. Now what I would have done was call my wife and say "Honey, please do not go into the Office (providing thats where the printout was) because I printed out what I am getting you for XMas and I don't want you to see it." I would not call a relative to run interfernce for something that petty.