Kimball Jane Sargent
This Court having conducted an in camera examination of documents and information provided by Kimball Jane Sargent, this court finds as follows:
- That Kimball Jane Sargent has information to which is relevant to the investigation of Michelle Fisher Young's homicide.
- That such information constitutes privileged communications under ...(statute).
- That disclosure of such information to the State is necessary to a proper administration of justice and that such disclosure is not prohibited by other statute or regulation.
Therefore the court orders that Kimball Jane Sargent disclose any records related to Michelle Fisher Young to William F Dowdy, an investigator with Wake County DA's office. Such disclosure must by made within seven days of today's date.
The Court finds that the information provided to the Court in chambers by KJS shall be transcribed by the court reporter and turned over to William Dowdy and that Ms. Sargent shall answer any other questions of Mr Dowdy regarding this matter. The Court specifically finds that the interest of justice clearly outweighs the privileges created by statute and that the information must be disclosed.
Link to Court Order