The California Trip

In one of the SW's a witness is quoted as saying "Michelle was very very pissed off" about a trip Jason made to California in 2006. Again the following is "insider" accounts as to why this trip may or may not be important to the case.

Posted by gojo: Why do you think the cops didn’t say what else they learned in the interviews with “A” (older) and “B” (younger)? I’ll tell you why. Because the cops are playing us all for suckers in their game to convict JY.

The biggest sucker of all? The media, and I think we might see some rage from them after they find out.The cops told the media part of what they had learned, that Michelle was “pissed off”. Why didn’t they reveal the rest of it?

Why didn’t they tell the media that Jason’s vacation was a special trip he treated his mother and sister to? Why didn’t they tell us that this international playboy flewout with his mother and sister and came back with them?

Why didn’t they tell us that Michelle was upset because she had just come back from a two-week trip north to her hometown, had no vacation days left and could not make the California trip?

Surely the cops learned this in their interviews. Does anyone see how this “vital information” could compromise their case? Have you come up with an answer yet? Maybe they want everyone to picture Jason as a bad boy with a noose tightening slowly around his neck. They want to punish Jason because he will not come in and talk with them, he won’t cooperate by climbing up the scaffold and drawing the noose around his own neck by falling for their tricks.These are the cops that everyone wants Jason to cooperate with.These are the guys who will try to make us all fall for their tricks and “pressure” Jason to come in and talk with them. Well, not me. I may well be a sucker....But I won’t be a cop sucker.

Posted by eord11:
I've heard that MY was pissed that JY paid for his entire family to go to California. She did not agree with it but he did it anyway.I think it was all of his immediate family. MY understood the finances and couldn't understand why her husband wanted to take the bill for such a trip for all of his family. She knew about the trip. She didn't even care that JY was going with his family. She just didn't understand why JY was forking over the entire trip when they had no money. I believe [the trip was] in the July timeframe. It's true that MY had no time left so she could not go. I'm almost positive CY did not go as well.

Posted by k8e11: ...both sisters are married and it was the younger of the two that went on the trip ...her husband went on the trip as well.

posted by jake on WebSleuths: I'm sorry you did not get to see the original story. You saw the corrected version. It was corrected after I let some people know the story was incomplete and left a false impression. The Raleigh N&O didn't have the opportunity to correct their version because it was in print, unlike WRAL. However, the next day the N&O published an updated story also. Here is the story as it appeared on Feb. 13 in the Raleigh News and Observer:

Wife's money fears, fury detailed
Murder victim stressed over money, angry at husband's trip without her, warrant shows
Thomasi McDonald, Staff Writer
RALEIGH - Michelle Young was not only "stressing out over money" but about a California vacation authorities say her husband took without her, according to a search warrant.
According to the search warrant, Sternberg talked with two witnesses about the California vacation. One said Michelle Young was "very, very" angry about the trip that her husband apparently took without her. The second witness told Sternberg there was tension between the two as a result of Jason Young's California trip, according to the warrant.

As you can imagine, the CTV board had about five pages of posters guessing what Jason was doing while visiting the fleshpots of California. What a selfish moron to take off on a solo vacation and leave his poor wife and baby behind....etc. The media relied on the search warrant for the information. The search warrant, I believe, was purposely incomplete. It didn't mention that it was a long-planned trip with Jason's mother, sister, brother in law. The two A & B (younger) witnesses? Obviously not friends of Jason. The money? That had been planned for and budgeted also. I've often wondered what would have happened if Jason had given up his constitutional rights and sat down to be grilled by police officers. Would these negative stories have come out differently? I think so. I also wonder why I keep writing this story. I've done it before, and obviously it convinces no one. Others still believe Jason should "cooperate", give up his rights, submit to grilling, eh, an "interview". I don't.--Jake (ws)

posted by dkjack: …Michelle had three weeks vacation. After her miscarriage, she and Jason went to the beach for a week. Later, Michelle went north for two weeks. Jason had to work. You suggest two weeks away from Michelle and his child were pleasant for Jason? Doubt it. I told you the trip with Jason's family had been long-planned....something like that would have to be planned around work schedules for four people. And of course Michelle knew the plans. Jason had one week of vacation left. Another poster says he doubts the trip was long-planned and that Michelle probably didn't know about it in advance. Most people on the board seem to believe this poster who admittedly does not know the family. Okay. I give up.