Who is Jason Young? Several friends have posted on CTV to give their perspective on who Jason Young is. The following posts were from friends of Jason and Michelle. Also included are posts made by acquaintances of Jason or people who met him briefly.
Posted by WolfPackFan: ... I was a good friend of Jason's in college, but have not talked to him since 1998. He was a great guy back then. It's hard for me to believe that he could be capable of something like this, but there's no telling how things may have changed in the past 8 years.
Posted by WolfpackFan: Jason works for ChartOne, a medical software company. Didn't look to see where they're based, but they are at www.chartone.com. Per your previous questions, I believe Jason was born and raised in Brevard. It was definitely his hometown in college. He returned there several summers to work as a whitewater rafting/kayaking tour guide. He was a very active guy, loved athletics and outdoor activities. He was VERY well liked by everyone who knew him. Very charismatic and easy to get along with.
Posted by Packpride: I have been reading this board since someone sent me a link shortly after Michelle's murder. I don't know why I feel compelled to contribute, but I do. I was friends with both Jason and Michelle in college. I met Michelle through Jason, but have been friends with him for many years.. This brutal crime has been made even more awful when I think that Jason may have had something to do with it. After it happened I would get angry reading these boards and reports in the media that automatically pegged jason as guilty. As more and more of his actions have been revealed combined with his refusal to help police find the killer of his wife and unborn child I am becoming less and less certain of his innocence. That is a really difficult sentence for me to type. I spoke with him a few days before this occured...and he seemed happy and excited about the new baby, excited about helping Cass with her schoolwork, and mainly about life in general. I know that friends of both are as shocked and confused by this as I am...and we talk about how surreal it is to see our friends being discussed in forums like this and splashed across the cover of People magazine. I think for the most part, you guys have been extremely respectful and generally want what we all do...to find out who is responsible for this horrific crime. I hope from the bottom of my heart that it isn't Jason mainly for the sake of little Cass who has already lost one parent and will now have this dark cloud hanging over her. She is a lovely little girl and I hate that she will one day be able to read all of these articles, and even listen to herself on the 911 tape. I don't know why I felt compelled to say something on here. I am very torn. On one hand I want to support and stand up for a very good friend who is going through the most difficult thing I can imagine...on the other hand I am full of questions and doubts surrounding his actions in the aftermath of this. I have always known him to be a popular, happy, fun-loving, friendly guy...who loved his family very much, and right now I think that is how I will choose to think of him until there is solid, indisputible evidence to the contrary. I just want you guys to know that a lot of us are reading these boards and asking the same questions you all are.
Posted by ConcernedCitize: ...I have known Jason for nearly 10 years. I am passing along information that I have received or come across. I am unaware of any unfaithfulness. That is not to say that there wasn't any. I just don't know. All I have said from the beginning is that Jason's character does not fit the type of person that could do something like this. Much of what is posted is slanted against Jason so I have felt the need to give as much of the other side or unknown information as I can.
Posted by ConcernedCitize: Honestly.... I think you guys are giving Jason way to much credit.... Not to take a shot at the guy but there is no way he would have thought all this out. 1) He does not have the ability to brutally murder someone and leave his daughter at home alone. 2) He is not sick enough to have planned all this out ahead of time and kill his wife and unborn son. Side note: We don't know if he tried to call Michelle. We don't know when, if, how many times etc. You guys are working under the assumption that he didn't try to call her.
Posted by Concerned Citizen:What [I] do know is Jason is not capable of something like this. I realize things happen and people do things that you never would think they would do but the amount of planning etc. this would have taken means he would have to have been a completely evil and sociopathic person. That is just not who he is. Not only that but the way she was killed takes someone with a lot of rage, hate, and just plain brutatility. That is just not who he is. Jason did not do this......I can say that when I went to the funeral I made [a] conscious effort to pay attention to Jason, his family, friends, etc to see any of their reactions or emotion (or lack of emotions) stood out. He seemed to be completely devastated by his loss.
Posted by frenchbroad: I am a new user but have been following this case closely since it happened. I know JY from having worked with him in the past and I wanted to say a couple of things that may relate to some old questions but some are to new ones. First, I would like to say that JY would have been the last person on this earth I would have ever thought could be involved in anything like this. He loved his wife and doted on his daughter and he was always a gentleman with a lot of integrity. He is one of the nicest guys I have ever worked with and I say that not in a "SP" way (I saw right through SP the first time I saw him on TV--that smirk gave him away) but in a 'want to please' kind of way. He was very cordial to everyone around him and had a lot of friends. With that said, I am in no way defending him....I just want everyone to know how disbelieving this is for those who do know him...
Posted by frenchboard: He often chatted away with the girls as though he was one of them. Sometimes came across as unsure of himself. JMO
Posted by jdub21: While I can't say I know what happened, I would be shocked to find out he had something to do with it. He has always been a great guy who would do anything to help someone out. I've never seen him be anything but nice to people. Again, I'm not saying whether he's innocent or guilty, but the Jason I knew has always been a great person. I did speak with several of his closest friends last night and they were all adamant he had nothing to do with it. Just keep in mind that the press is trying to say anything possible to make Jason look guilty, and that not all of what is being said in the news is correct. I'm pretty much just waiting and seeing what solid evidence comes out before I make a decision on whether he is guilty or not. Just thought some people might be interested in another side of the story.
Posted by WolfpackFan: Per your previous questions, I believe Jason was born and raised in Brevard. It was definitely his hometown in college. He returned there several summers to work as a whitewater rafting/kayaking tour guide. He was a very active guy, loved athletics and outdoor activities. He was VERY well liked by everyone who knew him. Very charismatic and easy to get along with.
Posted by Concernced Citize: I know Jason personally and there is no way he is capable of doing something so brutal.I was at the funeral and burial and I can tell you that everything that was said by the family and friends of Michelle was nothing but complimentary of their relationship and marriage. Numerous times Jason was mentioned as being a good husband and father and how much they loved each other.I have also read some people comment that he was not wearing his ring. JASON WAS WEARING HIS RING.
Posted by anonymous1: After reading about JY being a ladies man...Just an interesting thought- I can not remember him ever having a girlfriend or even dating at all through high school. He had tons of friends but never any "girlfriends"!! Not that it means anything just something more to ponder.
Posted by chineseeyes: I wouldn't say he was a close friend, but definitely a friend. we would go out with all the same people to parties, bars, etc... i've had many one-on-one conversations with him. he was always a fun person. but i also remember thinking he was kind of distant (and i thought this before this murder happened). i think that after the verdict is in, i will be able to disclose more about what i thought of him, but for now, i think it's best to keep things private, out of respect for him. does that make sense? i'm sorry to "tease" like that, but i feel uncomfortable talking too much about his personality.
Posted by Tennisbuff: Just a few observations. He was on the soccer team in high school. Also, I said earlier he was voted class clown, that was incorrect -- had to get out my year book. It was really best overall.He was really cute back then too. Seems like he was cuter then than the pictures I've seen of him lately.
Posted by outsidethebox: I worked with Jason for about 3 months before he left our company selling Pharmaceuticals......he was at best an average rep and his sales were below average compared with other reps. He liked to look at the ladies and had no problem flirting and drinking at our regional meetings. I did not know him well enough to say that he is a cold blooded killer, however, based on the facts that have surfaced thus far I feel that Jason could and may have done this horrible crime. All IMO.
Posted by gojo 2: Part 1 - So you want to know about Jason. I have known him for 33 years. He is the first friend I ever made. I have never known anyone else like Jason. He has (well had) such vigor for life. Being around him is always fun because he is simply magnetic. Ask anyone who really knows Jason and they will have a silly story to tell. Since the loss of his wife and son he has been hanging on only because of the support of his family and friends and mostly because of Cassidy. If you could spend three minutes with him playing with her you would know he is not even close to being capable of something like this. He and his family spent Thanksgiving with our family. My husband had never met Jason. After 10 minutes of talking to him and watching him with Cassidy my husband finally understood why this ordeal has been so hard for the people who love Jason. As my husband stated "someone who can swing his daughter around with so much love could never hurt anyone".What else can I tell you about Jason...his heart is bigger than Texas. He loves animals and people so much. When he was younger he would bring home stray animals and help nurse them back to health. When I had some recent surgery he was just as caring, asking how I was several times and letting me know he would do anything to help. For crying-out-loud--he had just lost the love of his life and son but he was still thinking about others.
Posted by gojo 2: Part 2 - I saw Jason very soon after his parents told him about the murder. I know this time should be not discussed because it is so personal but I will share some. Jason couldn't stop sobbing. He kept shaking his head and asking why. He also was devastated that he would never meet his son-whose name he and Michelle had already chosen. My professional career has been about helping people deal with loss and grief. I can assure you that there is no way he could fake that kind of grief. He finally asked his mother for a towel because he had such a large pile of tissue-which just couldn't contain all the tears. I truly wish all of you could meet Jason. He is a wonderful person who is full of integrity! He is so honest and sincere. To know Jason is to have a friend for life. He would walk through fire for me and I would do the same for him.He was voted best all around for our senior class--that pretty much sums him up--he is an all around decent and loving and kind man. He loved his wife dearly just as he loves all of his friends and family. He could be your brother. How would you feel if someone spoke of your brother like so many have spoken about him? Oh, I can tell you about this before another rumor is started. Some of my family had dinner with his family at Pizza Hut in Brevard. One day later a family member was told "wow ! Jason already has another girlfriend". I am not his girlfriend but it is an honor to be his friend!I can't believe how the press has crucified him. For example: Jason's SUV was taken (the SW said because of possible blood). Yet, when the vehicle was returned, Miss AL never reported that there was NO BLOOD found on or in the vehicle. Great reporting–I wonder what her agenda is? Honest, unbiased journalism? This is simply one example. I have multiple that I will share if you want. I know this is lengthy but I wanted to share the Jason I know and love with you. He is like a brother!No, a younger brother. Actually I am 33 and he is 32, only a few months apart.
Posted by sosad: I am not connected directly to JY or MY. I am a friend of their friends. I actually have met JY but not MY. It is my understanding that the homecoming game was in the plans, but I really don't know how far in advance the trip was planned or even who called them to invite them (JY or MY?).... My PERSONAL opinion (is this where I say IMO?) is that Jason at best has personality issues. He struck me as wanting to be the center of attention...loud, flirtatious, jokester and definitely drank a lot. I haven't known very many people with personality disorders, but the only bipolar person I've known was like JY's behavior (when in the Mania state). I have read up on the Bipolar personality since, and the rage issue will not leave my head. IMO, JY may be very unstable, felt trapped in a marriage he did not ask for, and may have flown into a rage that led to MY's death. The out of town stuff, however, points more to premed, and I really don't want to go there!
Posted by outsidethebox: In response to the therapist quote by SoSad.....I can agree with the heavy drinking and being the center of attention as I played witness to those. I also feel that he did have other issue well beyond the normal scope. IMO
Posted by Ridenour: Hello, My name is Rob Ridenour and was a student under Mrs. Young many years ago. She a was great teacher who cared about her kids but never took any crap off of them. She was an old school teacher with old school morals something which is lacking in today's school systems. But she had a tender heart and she would listen if you ever needed to talk. Now I'm not going to go into the case against her son Jason, who IMO is as friendly a man anymore could ever meet. I just want to express my feelings on how I feel about these people and how much they have my support. Jason was more of a friend to my older brother Davey but I still remember me and him hanging out after school and playing basketball. I also remember going to his house and playing Nintendo games for an evening. Even though I was younger he always was nice to me and treated me with respect. He was always cracking us up with his clownish ways. To me Jason was a great entertainer and could talk to anyone. He could really get you going and wouldn't let up. Just a fun kinda of guy all around. And I'm sure he's a great father to his little girl Cassidy. In the pictures I've seen Jason seems very happy and has that same smile I'll always remember. I hope to meet her one day. These are definitely not "trashing people" like someone called them on this very board. Again I'm not here to change anybody's opinion on the subject. It's a free country and we're all entitled to that. I just want to let others know that these are good and honest people. And I stand by that no matter what the outcome is.
Posted by gojo: Hang in there, Frank. I know for a FACT that JY did not swallow the ring. The true story is that he only pretended to swallow the ring of a friend and then gave it back. I also know that everyone, even the bride, had a good laugh over it. JY does like to tease, but he is not stupid and does not have a diagnosable mental illness, IMO.
Link to the ring story